The main reason individuals make use of a font that is small twofold: first, they don’t know their material good enough; 2nd, they think that more text is more convincing.

The main reason individuals make use of a font that is small twofold: first, they don’t know their material good enough; 2nd, they think that more text is more convincing.

Total bozosity. Force your self to use no font smaller compared to thirty points. We guarantee it’ll make your presentations better you to find the most salient points and to know how to explain them well because it requires. If “thirty points” is simply too dogmatic, the We provide you with an algorithm: find out of the age associated with earliest individual in your market and divide it by two. Continue reading “The main reason individuals make use of a font that is small twofold: first, they don’t know their material good enough; 2nd, they think that more text is more convincing.”