Is It Ethical To Lend To Working Individuals At A 200% Rate Of Interest?

Is It Ethical To Lend To Working Individuals At A 200% Rate Of Interest?

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We’re all acquainted with payday loan providers that are supplying loans to those who can minimum manage it at rates of interest that surprise the greediest of business bankers. Can a company that is fintech lends at rates as much as 200per cent yearly portion prices ever be looked at ethical? In this piece, I’m planning to share my summary.

A vocal advocate for using a social justice lens for impact investing to help me make this evaluation, I turned to Morgan Simon. This woman is the writer of Real Impact: The brand New Economics of personal Change and Managing Director of Candide Group. She framed the question for me:

As a whole, as soon as we think about fintech, from microfinance within the worldwide south to monetary solutions for working class populations in america, we think a whole lot concerning the question of fairness. Continue reading “Is It Ethical To Lend To Working Individuals At A 200% Rate Of Interest?”