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Usually people make 1 of their polis dedicated specially for that. Land defense gives you the biggest advantage, especially if you can hide your units behind lvl 25 walls. A defense prepared equally per farm space against all 3 types of attack should be made of 6 Swordsmen + 2 Archers + 5 Hoplites. However if you are being attacked more often by a specific type of attack (usually it is range attack – slingers) then adjust these numbers . Try to not waste Grepolis download apk to much population on your buildings – your city must serve you well not look pretty. I will repeat it – no point of sending land troops only if they are all going to be sunk by enemy Biremes .

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  • Production of wood in this example is the main factor that limits the speed of your nuke construction, so if you can gather more wood through trading, you should take advantage of that possibility.
  • You want to lower walls level so your next offensive waves can have bigger impact on defensive units .
  • In order to be able conquer other cities permanently, one must have a high cultural value in his/her own city.
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I proposed in the guide a defense made of 180 Swordsmen, 60 Archers and 150 Hoplites which with 250 militia and lvl 20 walls is enough to stop ~750 Slingers. In the beginning its really enough but it will not stop a real nuke. A full nuke can be stopped with more units but if you build in every city defensive units that can stop a nuke, then you will have very weak attacks and will grow slower. As I played in a conquest world I had some cities making only BMs and some making BMs and land defensive units at the same time. When defending a siege, you should focus on protecting the CS and you shouldn’t need much land defense, except when you are being attacked by a city located on the same island or by very rare mythical nukes.

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If you actually read the guide you will see that barracks or harbor are always at the max level including research . Regarding resources – this guide is all about “perfect” nukes, not cities. I dont say you should follow it to the letter, these are just templates, which can be adjusted to personal preferences. You might want to have most of your cities to be as practical as possible but dedicate some just for the strongest nukes. I dont say every city should be pushed to the extreme, like in this guide, so again, this is not a guide about “perfect” cities, it focus only on nukes.

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